Company name: MULTIENERGEX Commercial and Technical Services Ltd.
Registered office (postal address): 1222 Budapest, Dankasirály u.10.
Branch office: 1221 Budapest, Ady E. út 111.
Telephone: +36-1-424-7547
Fax: +36-1-424-7548
Company registration number: Cg.01-09-079161
VAT number: 10604306-2-43
Bank account number: OTP BANK NYRT 11722003-20072612
Contact us by specialty areas:
Managing Director, Technical and Sales Manager Tel.: +36-30-9508-382
Fire Protection and Labour Safety Expert Tel.: +36-30-242-1363
Sales Engineer Tel.: +36-30-274-2336


Dear Madam/Sir,

In case you would like to request for a quotation or you have questions, please enter your details in the form below and we will contact you! Please make sure that all fields marked with an asterisk are filled properly in order to successful and accurate processing of your message. Thank you for visiting our company!

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